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1M40.41 – Ballistic Pendulum

This demonstration illustrates conservation of energy. The launcher stores potential energy, which is then converted to kinetic energy via the ball. The ball transfers this energy to the pendulum. By measuring the height reached by the pendulum, the potential energy can be calculated.

1D15.17 – Ball roller

This demonstration illustrates how the ball has no “memory” of its initial direction of travel. We see the movement of the ball as it leaves the roller is perpendicular to the initial direction of travel.

1J30.20 – Tension in a string

This demonstration shows how the forces are balanced, as the Newton meter should stay stationary as the masses are increased, and should show the sum of the forces created by the masses, demonstrating the tension in the string.

1Q50.23 – Precessing bike wheel

This demonstration shows Gyroscopic precession, which is a phenomenon that arises when a torque is applied to a spinning wheel (in an axis other than the one the wheel is spinning around). Because not all parts of the wheel are equidistant to the axis of the torque, the coriolis effect causes a torque in the 3rd axis, inducing a rotation. This rotation then induces a counter-torque in the original axis, keeping the wheel horizontal. This also explains why the wheel drops down once the precession is stopped.

1G10.18 – Fan cart

Although the force generated by the fan is constant, the track and wheels restrict the movement, and thus the component of force in the direction of movement is proportional to the sine of the angle.

1D15.20 – High road low road

Although the total potential energy converted to kinetic energy is the same for each ball, the ball on the “low road” has a higher velocity for longer, and will thus reach the end first.

1N30.10 – Newton’s Cradle

This demonstration illustrates mechanical energy conservation in collisions. The number of balls that move is equal to the number of balls released, which shows the energy is conserved.

1R10.10 – Hooke’s Law

This demonstration shows Hooke’s law, in this case for the extension of a spring. Knowing that the force applied to the spring is directly proportional to the extension caused by that force, we can find a value for the constant of proportionality that relates these quantities.

1M40.20 – Loop the loop

This demonstration illustrates energy conservation in an object undergoing rotation, as well as centripetal force. The forces and energy types involved are (translational and rotational) kinetic energy, (gravitational) potential energy and centripetal and normal forces.