3B22.32 – Wave Apparatus
This demonstration illustrates wave propagation.
This demonstration illustrates wave propagation.
This demonstration illustrates resonance in a solid.
This demonstration illustrates vibrational modes in a rigid surface at a frequency generated by the violin bow.
This demonstration illustrates different oscillation modes for a coupled mechanical oscillator. The pendulum will show alternating vertical and rotational motion.
This demonstration illustrates the temperature dependence of resistance. The effect is caused by the fact that the electrons moving through the wire collide with vibrations (phonons) created in the material by thermal noise. At lower temperatures this will happen less, and thus the resistance goes down. In semiconductors and insulators an opposite effect occurs, where resistance decreases with temperature due to the lowering of the Fermi level, and thus less electrons being in the conduction band.
This demonstration illustrates various wave phenomena using a slinky.
This demonstration illustrates centrifugal force acting on a candle flame.
This demonstration illustrates Lenz’s law, as the EMF induced in the ring counteracts the magnetic field from the electromagnet, and ejects it upwards.
This demonstration illustrates magnetic braking via Eddy currents as the pendulum is stopped when the circuit is completed.
This demonstration illustrates how an electroscope can be charged using electrostatic charges generated via friction.